December 12th, 2002...
I thought I loved you more than I could ever love anything in the whole world...then at 6:25 pm you were born. That moment I experienced a love I never thought was possible! You were beautiful...all 10 lb 3 of of you!
December 12th, 2003...
You were just the cutest little (big) boy I'd ever seen! You were walking already and had a mouth full of teeth! You gave me a run for my money sometimes, but you loved your momma!! I loved you even more which didnt seem possible to me!!
December 12th, 2004...
AHH...the terrible 2's were in FULL force! Somehow after all your tantrums, fits, and "episodes" you would have, I went to bed every night thanking God for letting me be your mother! You pretty much stayed in that lovely toddler
stage, but it all seems like a distant memory now! I wont go in to detail of when you ran away from me in the parking lot, tried to pull down my curtains, bite me when I put you in time out, or any of those other moments you blessed me with that year! Just that I still loved every moment I was your mom!
December 12th, 2005...
Wow...times sure changed this year! You became such a joy to be around! You were at your Montessori school and became a little boy! You could do everything on your own, but still loved for mommy to help you! We started movie nights and getting to do more fun things together..just the 2 of us!
December 12th, 2006...
You had such a personality! Your stories, vocabulary, and humor was hilarious!! You made everyone laugh and smile around you, and once again, I was so proud to be your mom!
December 12th, 2007...
I remember waking up thinking..."5 year old??? Really? Where has the time gone?" My little bugs, pooks, Lan-Man, boogs, bubs was getting so big and I was sad and happy all at once! Your sense of humor and personality continued to grow and make so many people smile!
December 12, 2008...
You are now in kindergarten and have become everything and more that I thought you would be! You are so smart, funny, handsome, and witty! I love you more today than I ever have in your whole life!
Thank You for making me so proud Landon! I love you with my whole life, heart and soul! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I cant wait to make so many more memories with you! (and dont worry, I will still love you with all your tough teenage years to come...please take it easy on mom though!!)
Happy 6th Birthday Landon! I love you so much!
Love, Mom